If you feel like solar panels break the lines of your home’s aesthetic, or think that covering your roof in solar cells is a waste of advertising space, solar skins could be what you’re looking for. Solar skins are a novel PV technology to integrate custom designs into solar panel systems. They are similar to the ad wraps displayed on bus windows, which let you make your rooftop panels look like whatever you want, without much impact on efficiency.

The design of solar skin is a relatively simple one, which placing a thin printable layer with the panel itself. However, that lets owners match their panels to their roof, or go for a custom color scheme altogether. Some businesses are even considering using the technology for advertising space, helping to offset installation costs. Besides, solar thin-film skins maintain high efficiency due to its selective light filtration advancements. The sunlight falling on solar skins is filtered to reach the solar cells beneath it. As a result, it simultaneously displays the custom image and provides solar energy. These imprinted custom images, embedded into solar panels, can exactly match your grassy lawns or rooftops of your homes.

Actually, solar skin panels can also be beneficial for businesses or government offices. They can be customized to display business logos, business advertisements, a country’s flag, and so on. Moreover, solar skins utilize rail-less racking systems, sit lower, have a sleek finish, and hide metal components, giving the panels a super cool look. In addition to these benefits, it also provides you alerts in case of any issues or solar energy outages, and prescribe the right remedies at the right times. However, the downside of solar skin panels is their cost, which is about 10% more than the price of traditional panels.

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